We couldnt have done it without you!
As we look back over a long, pretty tough season, we pay tribute to our loyal band of volunteers who, as usual year in year out get our players on the park and make us the envy of the VAFA.
So thank you for…
the coaches cooking the barbecue decorating the tables feeding the players hosting club functions hosting the lunches knitting beanies
looking after the players looking after the sponsors massaging schmoozing with opposition administrators strapping ankles and shoulders training taking the stats minding the books officiating at club functions playing the song protecting the umpires putting up the scores
putting up and taking down signs selling raffle tickets selling the merch setting up the rooms/putting it all away again sponsoring the players
running the canteen running the raffle running the water serving drinks shooting the video umpiring the games washing jumpers watching
the clock time after time waving the flags writing the stories signing up the sponsors taking the photos taking the stats…
And all the one hundred and one things you do to make Fitzroy fabulous!